Friday, December 4, 2009

Sun Star City expansion opens 信達城正式擴充開幕 (信达城正式扩充开幕)

Major Expansion and Renovation at Sun Star City has been completed, and open to the public on the 3rd of December before the Christmas holiday. The expasion also includes an additional five story to the existing mall, and makes room for another 100 new specialty shops, which makes up the total number of shops at Sun Star City increased to 250.

Located in Rua De Pedro area, Sun Star City is a modern styled mall that caters fashionable clothes and latest designs along with accessories, where customers get wide variety of items. Some of the reputed foreign brands have set up their retail stores within the mall.

With a wide variety of shops catering all kinds of clothes like baby clothes, undergarments, sporting clothes and clothes for special occasions, along with watches, electronic gadgets and home décor items, designed and uncommon samples of diamonds and jewelry. This is surely one of the attractions in Macau.

落戶本澳十年的信達城趕在聖誕檔期前夕完成擴充, 12月3日正式擴充開幕。 信達城總投資逾二億元, 希望為澳門培育更多本地品牌。 信達城商場的特色是有不少澳門本地創意店舖, 相信可吸引旅客消費。

商場原有的一至三樓商戶共150戶, 擴充至七樓後增至250商戶。 商場客源原定位為15至25歲, 經重新包裝後已經延伸至18至28歲, 消費力明顯增強。 未來將會在8樓及10樓增加50個商戶, 希望可在明年中增加至300戶。

信達城聖誕期間商場亦會舉辦多個活動, 並在商場六樓舉辦娛樂新聞圖片展, 專門針對年輕人市場; 同時會多舉辦港澳明星簽名會以增加人流。


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