Bottega Veneta opens of its second Macau store at One Central Mall Macau. The new store measures 2,756 square feet and carries an extensive range of Bottega Veneta product including men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, handbags, accessories, shoes, luggage, eyewear, home items, furniture, and fashion jewelry.
One Central Mall featuring a wide range of top-tier international luxury brands and offering shoppers a truly extraordinary shopping experience.
This new boutique features Bottega Veneta’s signature store concept designed by Creative Director Tomas Maier. The store is a reflection of Bottega Veneta’s defining qualities: exceptional design, modern functionality, outstanding craftsmanship, and the use of the highest quality materials.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Bottega Veneta opens at One Central Mall
Posted by seemacau at 12:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: One Central Mall
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Fossil Christmas presents - Fossil聖誕禮物大特集 (Fossil圣诞礼物大特集)
無論是祈求平安、祈求愛情抑或是祈求一點點的與別不同, Wishes(祈求)使這普天同慶的日子變得特別耀眼璀燦。 Fossil與我們一起歡渡聖誕佳節及一起尋找 our best wishes; 相信你們必可找到你或你致愛親朋夢寐以求的聖誕禮物。
印有阿拉伯數字的黑色表圈腕表, 搭載於黑色表盤或灰色表盤上變得特別醒神奪目。 日期顯示窗或日期星期小表盤, 讓你掌握每天的一分一秒。
澳門威尼斯人度假村酒店 - 大運河購物中心2413號鋪
Posted by seemacau at 8:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Venetian Hotel and Casino
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
New Bulgari store opens at City of Dreams - Bulgari 新濠大道專門店隆重開幕 (Bulgari 新濠大道专门店隆重开幕)
Opening in December, the new Bvlgari store at City of Dreams houses a series of special pieces including the jewellery lovers’ most coveted collection – the new Parentesi Cocktail. The creative collection’s modern, striking design plays on certain stylistic traits typical of Bulgari. Large, coloured gems are combined with the Parentesi sign, which reappears here as the principal decorative element characterising the entire line of jewels.
於12月隆重開幕的Bulgari新濠大道專門店, 為珠寶愛好者陳列最受寵的款式貨品, 包括全新Parentesi Cocktail 系列──飾品設計創意無限, 時尚動感, 沿襲Bulgari經典風格, 巨大彩色寶石與Parentesi標識巧妙結合,更顯瑰麗典雅。
Posted by seemacau at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: City of Dreams, The Boulevard
The Longines Master Collection Quadruple Retrograde 浪琴錶名匠系列四逆跳腕錶
Longines Master Collection Retrograde
Offering retrograde functions with automatic rewinding, the Longines Master Collection Retrograde combines mechanical horological complication with simple usage. Apart from telling time, it also includes the following features with retrograde functions: date and week display, a secondary time zone on a 24-hour scale and a subsidiary seconds hand. Dancing in harmony, the seven hands trace out a graceful ballet, making this timepiece a captivating article to own.
Longines Boutique
Level 2, The Boulevard, City of Dreams
浪琴錶名匠系列逆跳腕錶外形簡約優雅, 秉承品牌以飛翼沙漏為標記的一貫優秀製錶傳統。 內藏ETA特別為浪琴錶研發的自動上鏈機械機芯, 配備星期、日期、秒及以24小時顯示的第二時區等4項逆跳功能, 複雜卻操作簡易。 錶面7枚指針各自運行, 仿如翩翩起舞的舞蹈家,一見傾心。
Posted by seemacau at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: City of Dreams, The Boulevard
Inside the Louis Vuitton Maison at One Central Macau
Posted by seemacau at 1:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: France and Macau, One Central Mall
Monday, December 7, 2009
One Central Mall opens to the public 澳門壹號廣場落成開幕 (澳门壹号广场落成开幕)
The retail portion of the One Central project - 'One Central mall', held its opening ceremony on Sunday the 7th December. The One Central Mall is the only luxury shopping centre in peninsula Macau, offering a full panoramic view of the Nam Van Lake. It will feature the same levels of variety, convenience and quality familiar to shoppers in New York, Paris or Central in Hong Kong.
Brand like Louis Vuitton, Hermès, Gucci, Fendi, Ermenegildo Zegna, Dolce & Gabbana, Dior, Cartier, Bvlgari and Burberry - all are making substantial investments in either creating their flagship stores, first or largest stores in Macau.
One Central is a waterfront mixed-used project combining phenomenal residential, a world-class hotel managed by The Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, and retail facilities on a prime 200,000 sq. ft site in Nape Area, Macau. It consist of 7 residential blocks of 32 to 38 storeys, offering approximately 800 units of 1 to 4 bedrooms to satisfy different needs. The development’s unique architecture by renowned firm Kohn Pedersen Fox allows stunning views of Nam Van Lake and Macau Tower from the shops.
澳門壹號廣場開幕。 國際時尚品牌紛紛進駐, 開設複式及多層的尊貴店舖, 為顧客提供足可媲美香港中環, 以至如紐約及巴黎等時尚都會的優質及方便的購物體驗。
壹號廣場位處南灣湖畔, 盡覽無敵湖景, 四十萬平方呎的商場,羅列多個國際品牌包括Louis Vuitton、Hermes、Gucci、Fendi、Ermenegildo Zengna、Dolce & Gabbana、Dior、Cartier、Bvlgari及Burberry等, 在澳門開設的首個據點、旗艦店或最大型的店舖。
這座落澳門新口岸新填海區, 集住宅、酒店及購物中心於一身的大型綜合發展項目正式落成。 整個發展項目由享譽國際建築師Kohn Pedersen Fox設計, 包括七座分別樓高三十二至三十八層的豪華住宅大廈、澳門文華東方酒店及特色服務式住宅。
信德集團董事總經理何超瓊表示澳門壹號廣場的落成啟用, 標誌著澳門發展的新里程, 同時信德集團實現為澳門經濟發展作出積極貢獻的願景的一大躍進。
Posted by seemacau at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: One Central Mall
Saturday, December 5, 2009
List of shops at One Central Mall
Ground floor
Bottega Veneta
Dolce & Gabbana
Emporio Armani
Ermenegildo Zegna
Loro Piana
Louis Vuitton
Marc Jacobs
Ralph Lauren
Salvatore Ferragamo
First floor
Europe Watch & Co.
Fabio Caviglia
Gucci (Ground floor)
Hugo Boss
Louis Vuitton (Ground floor and Second floor)
Marc by Marc Jacobs
Max Mara
Pal Zileri
Puyi Optical
Salvatore Ferragamo (Ground floor)
Shiatzy Chen
Second floor
Louis Vuitton (Ground floor and first floor)
Posted by seemacau at 12:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: One Central Mall
Friday, December 4, 2009
Sun Star City expansion opens 信達城正式擴充開幕 (信达城正式扩充开幕)
Major Expansion and Renovation at Sun Star City has been completed, and open to the public on the 3rd of December before the Christmas holiday. The expasion also includes an additional five story to the existing mall, and makes room for another 100 new specialty shops, which makes up the total number of shops at Sun Star City increased to 250.
Located in Rua De Pedro area, Sun Star City is a modern styled mall that caters fashionable clothes and latest designs along with accessories, where customers get wide variety of items. Some of the reputed foreign brands have set up their retail stores within the mall.
With a wide variety of shops catering all kinds of clothes like baby clothes, undergarments, sporting clothes and clothes for special occasions, along with watches, electronic gadgets and home décor items, designed and uncommon samples of diamonds and jewelry. This is surely one of the attractions in Macau.
落戶本澳十年的信達城趕在聖誕檔期前夕完成擴充, 12月3日正式擴充開幕。 信達城總投資逾二億元, 希望為澳門培育更多本地品牌。 信達城商場的特色是有不少澳門本地創意店舖, 相信可吸引旅客消費。
商場原有的一至三樓商戶共150戶, 擴充至七樓後增至250商戶。 商場客源原定位為15至25歲, 經重新包裝後已經延伸至18至28歲, 消費力明顯增強。 未來將會在8樓及10樓增加50個商戶, 希望可在明年中增加至300戶。
信達城聖誕期間商場亦會舉辦多個活動, 並在商場六樓舉辦娛樂新聞圖片展, 專門針對年輕人市場; 同時會多舉辦港澳明星簽名會以增加人流。
Posted by seemacau at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Louis Vuitton Maison opens at One Central Macau 澳門首間Louis Vuitton旗艦店開幕 (澳门首间Louis Vuitton旗舰店开幕)
Luxury retailer Louis Vuitton opens a flagship Maison store at the One Central Mall in Macau, which boasts a total space of 1,633 sq m with three levels of retail space all dedicated to the brand that embodies ultimate luxury and splendor. The Louis Vuitton Maison store at One Central mall is the first of its kind in Macau, and eigth in the world. A complete array of goods will be offer at this Macau's store which you can't probably get in other cities.
Louis Vuitton Maison is described as a unique concept store that links shopping, luxury, leisure, art and culture, combining shopping with a bar and art gallery. The store facade is covered with Takashi Murakami’s iconic Monogram Multicolore print.
澳門第四間路易 · 威登(Louis Vuitton)專門店, 全球第八座澳門首間旗艦店舉行開幕典禮。
路易 · 威登亞太區總裁表示, 首間店舖2002年登陸澳門文華東方酒店後, 生意一直有增長, 加上澳門集娛樂、博彩、購物元素於一身, 故十分願意在澳繼續投資開設旗艦店。 路易 · 威登不僅是零售店舖, 更是旅遊元素之一, 內地旅客在歐美等地旅行多會到商店購物, 該店便是其中之一。
2002年在文華東方酒店開設首間專門店, 隨後又落戶永利酒店、四季酒店, 今次落戶澳門新的豪華商場 - 壹號廣場相信會為遊客帶來新的旅遊感受。
澳門壹號廣場路易威登為全球第八座旗艦店。 位於澳門最新的高級購物焦點壹號廣場的旗艦店Louis Vuitton - 獨立的三層建築與該廣場相連總面積1,633平方米, 旗艦店首層為男士專區, 是第一家把男士專區設在一樓的店裝, 旅遊沙龍及長4.5公尺的男士Bags Bar。 第二層為女士專區。 第三層為展覽廊及戶外陽台, 顧客可於豪華優雅的環境中選購心水產品, 同一層的展覽廊更不時展出著名藝術家的佳作。 第三層坐擁澳門南灣湖及澳門旅遊塔的獨有景觀, 室內設有小型圖書館, 另一端貴賓用餐區有優美的園。
Louis Vuitton Maison外牆由 50,800 個花卉形雕塑組成, 靈感源自 L.V.最經典的 monogram 圖案, 再配上彩色 LED 燈光系統令這座建築物都十分矚目。
澳門旗艦店齊備了 Louis Vuitton 全線產品, 包括首度於澳門亮相的服裝系列: 皮具配飾、腕表、高級珠寶及鞋履等。
Posted by seemacau at 12:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: France and Macau, One Central Mall
Louis Vuitton 澳門旗艦店獨家商品 (Louis Vuitton 澳门旗舰店独家商品)
為慶祝澳門旗艦店開幕, Louis Vuitton 推出獨家商品, 包括賭場旅行箱、鑽錶與鑽飾。
Damier Azur帆布EVA包
Les Ardentes系列新作Baby Ardentes
Damier Azur帆布Stresa保齡球袋
Tambour V系列自動上鍊腕錶
玫瑰金錶殼, 共鑲1019顆鑽石
Posted by seemacau at 12:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: France and Macau, Luxury Goods, One Central Mall
Limited edition cashmere GM shawls "La Danse du Cheval Marwari" at One Central's Hermes store
Limited edition cashmere GM shawls "La Danse du Cheval Marwari" have been created to commemorate the opening of One Central's Hermes boutique.
The boutique was opened on the 1st December.
Only sold in Macau
Location: G13-15, One Central Mall, Macau
Posted by seemacau at 12:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: One Central Mall
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Shoppes at Four Seasons December Special 澳門四季·名店十二月精選優惠 (澳门四季·名店十二月精选优惠)
Receive up to 30% off on selected items
Shop no: 2836
Tel: 2899 8942
Receive up to 50% off on selected items
Shop no: 2802
Tel: 2899 8908
Receive up to 50% off on selected items
Shop no: 2850
Tel: 2899 8901
Receive up to 30% off on selected items
Shop no: 2835b
Tel: 2899 9931
David Yunman
- For any purchase of MOP $30000 or over (net amount) will offer a free 50ml David Yurman fragrance MOP$1050 as a gift
- Regular promotion offer: 5% or 10% off for certain Cotai Rewards Card Members
Shop no: 2801
Tel: 2899 9901
Diane Von Furstenberg
Receive up to 50% off on selected items
Shop no: 2846
Tel: 2899 8915
- Receive up to 40% off on selected items
- Get a free Cosmetic Bag with any purchase during Christmas
Shop no: 1211
Tel: 2899 9819
Fish Spa
- Enjoy 20 minutes of Fish Spa service only MOP$88
Shop no: 1209
Tel: 2881 8213
Galerie du Monde
- Receive 10% off for all paintings and sculptures
- Free packing and shipping (Only for major countries and major cities, i.e. China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Europe and North America)
Shop no: 1220a
Tel: 2899 8931
Kate Spade
- Receive up to 50% off on selected items
Shop no: 2829
Tel: 2899 8921
Kent & Curwen
- Receive up to 30% off on selected items
Shop no: 2837
Tel: 2899 9908
- Receive 20% off on any regular-priced item
- Complimentary genuine crocodile skin cell phone strap or handbags hitch with every purchase
Shop no: 2817
Tel: 2882 3393
La Perla
- Receive up to 40-60% off on selected items
Shop no: 2849
Tel: 2899 8938
Old House Gallery
- Receive 30% off on selected items
Shop no: 1220
Tel: 2899 8805
On Pedder
- Receive up to 80% off on selected items
Shop no: 2848
Tel: 2899 8853
Pedder House
- Receive up to 80% off on selected items: women‘s designer jewellery and fashion accessories
Shop no: 2838
Tel: 2899 8850
Pedder Warehouse arrives in Macau via a galore of accessories. Glam your outfits with the wide variety of merchandise available œ from funky necklaces, Pedder glamorous statement earrings to chic designer sunglasses. Shop to your Warehouse heart's delight with gifts for yourself or your girlfriends at Pedder Warehouse œ your fave new corner.
On Pedder
- During Christmas period, purchase of MOP$3000 net or above is entitled for an instant lucky draw to win fabulous prizes
Shop no: 2810
Tel: 2899 8807
Shanghai Tang
- Get a free Notebook or a Luggage Tag with minimum purchase of MOP$1800
Shop no: 2839
Tel: 2899 9803
Stuart Weitzman
- Receive up to 80% off on selected items
Shop no: 2850a
Tel: 2899 8873
Posted by seemacau at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Shoppes at Four Seasons
Saturday, November 28, 2009
ettusais精選聖誕優惠套裝 (ettusais精选圣诞优惠套装)
ettusais將推出4款聖誕優惠套裝, 包括美肌抗豆系列的冬日無印套裝、冬日保濕套裝及百變彩妝系列的閃炫美眸以及閃爍星塵彩妝組合。 互相配合使用, 肌膚瞬間細白無暇,水嫩透亮; 閃爍奪目的色彩, 打造不一樣的形象。
White Christmas Cocoon
Winter Moisturizing Coffret
Platinum Star Eye & Face Shimmering Coffret
Seductive Eye Coffret
ettusais 專櫃
Posted by seemacau at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: New Yaohan
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
法國Marjorie Bertagne推出兩款Smart-Buy聖誕套裝 (法国Marjorie Bertagne推出两款Smart-Buy圣诞套装)
法國Marjorie Bertagne在佳節前夕推出兩款Smart-Buy聖誕套裝, 並以聖誕超值價發售, 大家選購護膚系列還是化妝系列, 兩大套裝的產品都含有 GG hEGF成分, 更加入珍貴納米膠原蛋白, 令肌膚在節日裡持久彈滑。
Posted by seemacau at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Caran d’Ache moves to Shoppes at Four Seasons - Caran d’Ache 澳門旗艦店遷到四季名店 (Caran d’Ache 澳门旗舰店迁到四季名店)
Caran d’Ache - Switzerland’s creator of writing instruments and accessories, has moved its shop at the Venetian to the Shoppes at Four Seasons. The move is to position the shop and brand closer to their selective customers. The company is planning to open another shop in the main part of Macau, within the next year or so, depending on finding the right location.
著名高尚瑞士書寫品牌 - Caran d’Ache 威尼斯人澳門旗艦店已從大運河購物中心遷到附近的四季名店, 遷移商店地址主要目的是希望將品牌定位於選擇性的顧客, 公司計劃在澳門區主要地點再開另一商店。
Posted by seemacau at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: Luxury Goods, The Shoppes at Four Seasons, The Venetian Hotel and Casino
Friday, November 6, 2009
IWC Schaffhausen Boutique and BOSS Black Menswear Store opens at City of Dreams - 新濠天地開設IWC萬國錶專門店及BOSS Black男裝專門店 (新濠天地开设IWC万国錶专门店及BOSS Black男装专门店)
The Portuguese Tourbillon Mystère
IWC Schaffhausen Boutique
The newly opened IWC Schaffhausen Boutique at City of Dreams houses a series of exclusive pieces, including the much coveted The Portuguese Tourbillon Mystère.
The Portuguese Tourbillon Mystère in 18-carat red gold is available in a limited edition of 500 watches; the warm gold colour of the case creates a pleasing contrast to the black dial. A transparent sapphire glass back cover provides an unimpeded view of the large 50900-calibre movement.
IWC Schaffhausen Boutique – Level 2, The Boulevard
BOSS Black Menswear Store
Opening in November 2009, the new BOSS Black Menswear Store at City of Dreams offers versatile fashion ranges with a rich array of elegant ‘modern classics’ in business, leisure and formal wear. Shoes and accessories are available to complement the perfect looks and to accentuate the wearer's personality. We invite you to visit our store and enjoy our full range of fall/winter collection.
BOSS Black Menswear Store – Level 1, The Boulevard
HUGO BOSS 開設BOSS Black 男裝專門店
HUGO BOSS於2009年11月在新濠大道開設BOSS Black男裝專門店。BOSS Black系列,致力於為男士打造商務、休閒及禮服等服飾,尊貴時尚。考究細節彰顯卓然品味,BOSS Black更推出皮鞋和配飾,全面完備絕佳的衣著風格。誠意邀請您蒞臨全新店舖,選購一系列秋冬新品。
BOSS Black男裝專門店-新濠大道一樓
Posted by seemacau at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: City of Dreams, The Boulevard
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Shoppes at Four Seasons November Special 澳門四季·名店十一月精選優惠 (澳门四季·名店十一月精选优惠)
Receive up to 30% discount on selected items
Shop no: 2836
Tel: 2899 8942
Receive a deluxe watchcase upon any net purchase of MOP$8000 or above
Receive a super deluxe watchcase upon any net purchase of MOP$25000 or above
Shop no: 2835b
Tel: 2899 9931
Galerie du Monde
Receive a 15% discount on selected art pieces with free shipment
Shop no: 1220a
Tel: 2899 8931
Old House Gallery
Receive a 30% discount on selected items
Shop no: 1220
Tel: 2899 8805
Posted by seemacau at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Shoppes at Four Seasons
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Mr.William Tang Completed The Boulevard Challenge At City of Dreams With Hottest Brands 鄧達智先生糅合六大著名品牌呈獻新濠大道之「時尚極速搜影」 (邓达智先生糅合六大著名品牌呈献新濠大道之「时尚极速搜影」)
Pic Source : City of Dreams
With perfect creativity and timing, Mr. William Tang, City of Dreams Fashion and Lifestyle Ambassador, completed The Boulevard Lifestyle Challenge – and pulled together 6 stunning cover shots ensemble best befitting 6 premium brands selected from The Boulevard at City of Dreams, a new “lifestyle precinct” offering aspirational shopping, along with international and regional dining.
Members of the media and Hong Kong top model Ms.Rosemary Vandenbroucke were invited to view ‘behind-the-scenes’ footage of Mr. William Tang in action as he assembled the pieces and put his creative energies together. The audience was then treated to a live runway show featuring William’s 6 signature looks – created from the hottest fall fashion from top brands – Burberry, Chopard, Coach, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Valentino and Vivienne Westwood.
With fashion, accessories and timepieces collected from shops throughout The Boulevard, each model showcased a different look representing a distinct attitude. Captivating the audience with his passion for fashion, Mr. William Tang shared his creative vision, divulging his personal inspiration, for each new look.
“The Boulevard Lifestyle Challenge was a great chance for me to share my fashion philosophy with everyone. The Boulevard at City of Dreams is packed with diverse offerings so I had a wide range of high-quality options, which made the decision process quite a challenge,” said Mr. William Tang, City of Dreams Fashion and Lifestyle Ambassador. “I’m happy with the looks – the 6 creations are fresh, unique and representative of my fashion. I hope to see visitors set a style challenge for themselves when they visit The Boulevard!”
The excitement continued following the fashion show as guests were indulged with an exclusive look into CHANEL Watch Boutique at The Boulevard at City of Dreams. Media were invited to get an up-close look at CHANEL’s J12 Haute Joaillerie limited edition timepieces, specially selected and flown-in to be featured at City of Dreams. J12 Haute Joaillerie demonstrates a beautiful marriage of traditional Swiss watch-making craftsmanship and technological breakthrough.
新濠天地服裝時尚品味大使鄧達智先生發揮其無限創意, 於新濠天地探索六大著名品牌, 並在完美的時間配合下締造出六大時尚造型, 為新濠天地呈獻新濠大道之「時尚極速搜影」時裝表演。
各大傳媒與著名模特兒虹萱小姐(Rosemary)獲邀在現場率先欣賞鄧達智先生早前為是次時裝表演作出準備的花絮, 見證鄧達智先生在配襯流行服飾上蘊藏的才華及創意。 鄧達智先生以著名品牌Burberry、Chopard、Coach、Jaeger-LeCoultre、Valentino及Vivienne Westwood的最新秋裝塑造六大時尚造型, 並由模特兒於天橋上演繹箇中的時尚魅力。
在新濠大道呈獻的時尚服飾及名錶珠寶襯托下, 每位模特兒均展現出獨特的造型及風格。 鄧達智先生更即席解構每個造型背後的意念及創作靈感, 並分享他對時裝的熱愛。
新濠天地服裝時尚品味大使鄧達智先生表示﹕「本人很榮幸可以在這個名為新濠大道之『時尚極速搜影』時裝表演中, 與大家分享個人時尚品味哲學。 新濠天地之新濠大道匯集多個優質品牌, 今次要為時裝表演塑造不同的獨特造型, 面對琳瑯滿目的精選, 實在令人難以抉擇。」
「我很滿意這六大造型,每個造型均散發出清新、獨特的風采,並充份表現出本人的風格,我希望遊客到訪新濠大道的時候,亦嘗試創造出屬於自己的時尚造型 ! 」鄧達智先生表示。
眾嘉賓在欣賞時裝表演後, 獲邀率先參觀位於新濠大道的CHANEL腕錶專門店, 近距離觀賞特別展覽於新濠天地的CHANEL限量版J12系列高級珠寶腕錶。 J12高級珠寶系列是傳統瑞士頂級鐘錶工藝及高科技的完美結合, 為新濠大道獨有的奢華購物體驗再添魅力。
Posted by seemacau at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: City of Dreams, Fashions, The Boulevard
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Kwiat Opens a boutique at the Wynn Macau
The new Kwiat boutique at the elegant Wynn hotel in Macau was recently opened.
The new boutique features a broad selection of Kwiat's collections from diamond classics to the Kwiat Legacy collection of important jewels. Of special note is the unveiling of the Lotus Ring, a limited edition cocktail ring in diamonds and 18 karat rose gold in the shape of a lotus flower in bloom.
With 100 years of history, Kwiat is the finest in engagement rings, wedding rings, and diamond jewelry.
Posted by seemacau at 2:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: Luxury Goods, USA and Macau, Wynn Macau Hotel and Casino
Friday, October 9, 2009
DKNY 20th Anniversary Special Edition
To celebrate DKNY’s 20 Year anniversary, the brand will launch the 20th Anniversary Special Edition which expresses authentic NYC style at its best.
Available at time + style, expressions, DKNY stores and other official retailers
Shop No.8, 3/F, New Yaohan, Avenida Commercial De Macau Zone A Lote 1, Macau
Shop 2103, The Grand Canal Shoppers, The Venetian® Macao - Resort - Hotel, Macau
Posted by seemacau at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: New Yaohan, The Venetian Hotel and Casino
Friday, October 2, 2009
The Shoppes at Four Seasons October Special 澳門四季·名店十月精選優惠 (澳门四季·名店十月精选优惠)
Armani Collezioni
Receive a special "Rainbow" gift upon any purchase of MOP $30,000 or above.
Shop no: 2805 & 2806
Tel: 2882 8439
Receive a 10% discount upon any purchase of MOP $3,800 or above on regular price items.
Shop no: 2836
Tel: 2899 8942
Galerie du Monde
Receive a 15% discount on selected art pieces with free shipment.
Shop no: 1220a
Tel: 2899 8931
Guess by Marciano
Receive a 10% discount upon any purchase of MOP $1,000 or above on regular price items.
Shop no: 2858
Tel: 2899 8801
Juicy Couture
Receive a 10% discount with any purchase of MOP $3,000 or above along with the presentation of an overseas or PRC passport.
Shop no: 2859
Tel: 2899 8905
Kate Spade
With the presentation of a PRC passport:
·Receive a 10% discount upon purchase of one item;
·Receive a 15% discount upon purchase of two items;
·Receive a 20% discount upon purchase of 3 items purchase or more.
Shop no: 2829
Tel: 2899 8921
Kent & Curwen
Receive a Kent & Curwen limited edition T-shirt upon any purchase of MOP $8,000 or above on A/W 2009 new arrival items.
Shop no: 2837
Tel: 2899 9908
* Receive a 10% discount upon any purchase of regular price items;
* Receive a 15% discount upon any purchase of MOP $12,500 or above.
Shop no: 2840
Tel: 2899 8950
Old House Gallery
Receive a 30% discount on selected items.
Shop no: 1220
Tel: 2899 8805
Receive a 10% discount upon any purchase along with the presentation of a PRC passport.
Shop no: 2842
Tel: 2899 9816
Posted by seemacau at 11:01 AM 229 comments
Labels: The Shoppes at Four Seasons
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Marc by Marc Jacobs Fall 2009 watch collection
The Marc By Marc Jacobs fall 2009 watch collection incorporates two iconic Marc Jacobs design details: Standard Supply logo plates and signature Turnlock hardware. The collection features the innovative use of hardware worn as jewelry—adding unique twists to classic design. The color palette is made up of classic fall colors with splashes of Merlot and Ink.
The Turnlock watch collection incorporates signature Turnlock hardware piece translated specifically from Marc by Marc Jacob’s accessory collections into details that make the watches true to the iconic designs Jacobs is known for. The Turnlock detail opens to reveal a classic round dial, or can be kept closed for the look of a stylish cuff. Exposed screws give rugged appeal and the polished leather strap balances it with a sleeker look. The turnlock doubles up a clever pendant on the jewelry styles.
Available at
Shop No.8, 3/F, New Yaohan, Avenida Commercial De Macau Zone A Lote 1, Macau
Shop 2103, The Grand Canal Shoppers, The Venetian® Macao - Resort - Hotel, Macau
Posted by seemacau at 8:31 PM 2 comments
Labels: New Yaohan, The Venetian Hotel and Casino
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Limited Edition Celine La Parisette exclusively at Macau DFS 獨家限量版Celine La Parisette系列 (独家限量版Celine La Parisette系列)
Inspired by polished style and ultimate luxury, Celine is ntroducing the La Parisette Collection - a Limited Edition, fashioned with premium patent calfskin, feminine metallic hardware, and Celine's distinctive detailed construction.
The La Parisette Collection is comprised of three classy iconic shapes: Boogie, Small Pillow, and Small Orlov.
Only 175 handcrafted pieces exist and are exclusively available at DFS Galleria Macau.
由DFS獨家發售的限量版La Parisette系列, 採用高品質的漆皮小牛皮制作, 搭配女性氣質十足的金屬配件, 並擁有鮮明Celine塞琳風格的細節設計。
La Parisette系列包括3款經典的手袋造型: Boogie,Small Pillow,和Small Orlov。
限量生產175件, 由工匠手工打造, 隻在DFS獨家發售。
Posted by seemacau at 4:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: DFS Galleria, Luxury Goods, The Shoppes at Four Seasons
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Fall/Winter 2009 collections - Shoppes at Four Seasons 四季‧名店誠意為您獻上2009年秋/冬季精品系列 (四季‧名店诚意为您献上2009年秋/冬季精品系列)
The Fall/Winter 2009 collections have arrived at The Shoppes at Four Seasons, featuring metallics, royal blues, bold primary colours, frills, gold embellishments, feathers and fur…
From 4th September to 30th November 2009, simply spend a minimum of MOP10,000 in a single day at selected stores* to receive a Shanghai Tang gift set valued at over MOP$1,500.
Bvlgari BLV II EDP
Make any purchase of MOP$1,000 on any Bvlgari fragrance including one BLV II EDP, you will receive a Bvlgari bag exclusively available at DFS Beauty World.
Dior Capture R60/80TMXP NUIT Overnight Recovery Intense Wrinkle Correction Night Concentrate
Make any purchase of MOP$1,200 on any Dior cosmetic products including one Capture item (excluding travel sets) and you will receive a Dior Capture gift set.
Dior Capture Totale Multi-Perfection Instant Rescue Eye Treatment
Make any purchase of MOP$1,200 on any Dior cosmetic products including one Capture item (excluding travel sets), you will receive a Dior Capture gift set.
Givenchy Ange ou Demon Le Secret EDP
Make any purchase of Givenchy Ange ou Demon Le Secret EDP 50ml, and receive a free Ange ou Demon Ladybrid pouch.
For any purchase of MOP$800 on any Givenchy products including one Ange ou Demon Le Secret (any size), and receive a free Ange ou Dmeon Swing pouch and Bag Citizen.
Lancôme Free Makeover
In the month of September, meet the Lancôme makeup artist and create a fresh new look with a free makeover at the Lancôme counter and try the L'Absolu Rouge «Gold Edition» and Ôscillation mascara.
四季‧名店誠意為您獻上2009年秋/冬季精品系列, 主打金屬色、皇家寶藍色、大膽鮮明的原色、華美飾邊、黃金飾品、羽毛裘革等設計。
由2009年9月4日至11月30日, 凡於參與商戶單日購物滿澳門幣10,000元, 即可獲贈價值超過澳門幣1,500元的”上海灘”精品套裝乙份。
Bvlgari寶格麗 BLV II 淡香氛
現凡購買Bvlgari香水產品滿澳門幣1,000元(包括BLV II 淡香氛), 即可獲贈由DFS美容世界獨家呈獻的Bvlgari手提包一份。
Dior 迪奧活膚駐顏修復特效眼部護理
現凡購買Dior迪奧美容產品滿澳門幣1,200元(包括Capture系列,旅遊套裝除外), 即可獲贈Dior迪奧Capture禮品套裝一份。
Givenchy紀梵希魅幻天使 燦若晨曦
現凡購買Givenchy紀梵希魅幻天使淡香氛50毫升裝, 即可獲贈魅幻天使禮品套裝一份。
購買Givenchy紀梵希產品滿澳門幣800元(包括魅幻天使淡香氛), 即可獲贈魅幻天使禮品套裝和手提包一份。
Lancôme 蘭蔻免費試裝
在9月期間, 快來到Lancôme蘭蔻專櫃, 您能專享Lancôme蘭蔻彩妝師為您提供的免費彩妝服務, 締造一個全新的時尚妝容。 率先試用金純限量版唇膏及微振電動睫毛膏。
Posted by seemacau at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Shoppes at Four Seasons
Saturday, September 5, 2009
CHANEL's watch and Cartier celebrates the opening of their boutique in Macau - CHANEL腕錶專門店/卡地亞精品店於新濠天地隆重開幕 (CHANEL腕錶专门店/卡地亚精品店於新濠天地隆重开幕)
Chanel J12 Fine Jewellery Chronograph
To celebrate the opening of the first CHANEL's watch boutique at City of Dreams, CHANEL is offering an exclusive watch a J12 Fine Jewellery Chronograph numbered "28" - limited and numbered to 100 pieces worldwide.
The watch features a 18K white gold and black high-tech ceramic, 41mm dial with automatic movement, a bezel set with 36 baguette cut rubies (7 carats), a cabochon crown in ruby and chronograph buttons in rubies. A total of 264 diamonds and 9 diamond indexes are set on the dial.
CHANEL腕錶專門店將於新濠天地隆重開幕。 CHANEL特意運來全球限量100枚, 鐫刻編號「28」的J12珠寶計時碼錶。
J12珠寶計時碼錶錶殼為18K白金配黑色高科技陶瓷, 錶圈鑲有36顆長階梯形切割紅寶石 (共重7克拉), 錶盤鑲有264顆鑽石及9顆鑽石時標, 錶冠及計時按鈕均鑲有紅寶石。
Chanel's Watch Boutique
Shop 2211, The Boulevard, City of Dreams
Cartier limited edition Marcello
Cartier celebrates the opening of the majestic boutique at City of Dreams with an exceptional limited edition Marcello. The dramatic Marcello de Cartier is an extravagant creation in full-grain black crocodile with dazzling diamond-studded logos. The bold "Double C" emblem is audaciously imprinted onto the leather using round diamonds in a prong setting.
為慶祝於澳門新濠天地的精品店隆重開幕, 卡地亞特別推出全球限量款式手袋 - Marcello手袋, Marcello手袋充分表現女性獨特優雅的品味, 以黑色鱷魚皮打造, 並鑲上15.8克拉共632顆圓鑽, 完美刻畫出卡地亞經典雙C 標誌,奪目耀眼。 這獨一無二的設計將於澳門新濠天地卡地亞精品店全球首次曝光以及限量發售。
Cartier Boutique
Level 2, The Boulevard, City of Dreams
Posted by seemacau at 1:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: City of Dreams, Luxury Goods, The Boulevard
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
DFS獨家限量版精品推薦 - 世界名表精選 (DFS独家限量版精品推荐 - 世界名表精选)
Ulysse Nardin
Forgerons Minute Repeater Watch
Ulysse Nardin Forgerons Minute Repeater Watch鉑金表款, 當啟動三問功能時, 黑色鎬瑪瑙表面上兩個立體活動人偶會舉起錘子辛勤的敲打著進行報時、報刻、報分。 如在6時38分, 左方的鐵匠會敲打6次報時, 兩人一起敲打兩次報刻, 右方的鐵匠會敲打8次報分。
全球限量50隻, 在澳門新濠大道為白金貴賓呈獻的是獨一無二編號28腕表, 寓意吉祥如意, 好事成雙。
Ulysse Nardin
FREAK Blue Phantom
FREAK Blue Phantom 陀飛輪延續FREAK陀飛輪系列的一貫特色, 是雅典匠心獨具的創意之作, 湛藍如海洋的表面與18K白金表殼配合得天衣無縫, 仿如一件完美的藝術品, 令人著迷。
腕表內的手動上煉機芯橋板採用藍鋼含鈦合金制成, 整個機芯上覆蓋一層厚度僅為一微米的藍鋼, 雖輕巧纖薄, 卻具備1500HV的硬度。 而機芯的透明表背設計可供收藏者欣賞機芯運轉之美。 時、分針頂端設有夜光顯示, 即使在黑暗環境時間亦清晰易讀。
EL Primero 4037自產機芯腕表
EL Primero 4037時針上帶有一個旋轉盤片, 24小時時區系統及日/夜顯示能同時顯示世界24個不同城市時間, 從巴黎到東京, 從紐約到莫斯科。 在10時位置的鏤空表面顯示出EL Primero 4037機芯的運轉。 除了技術上的無以匹敵, 其表面採用22K金或金屬擺鉈飾以“Grain d’Orge”麥穗紋飾(guilloche)雕花圖案。
EL Primero 4037計時碼表有中置秒針及專利3圓碟大日歷, 這超強外力腕表擁有46毫米透明藍寶石玻璃表背, 黑色和棕色鱷魚皮表帶與時針交相輝映。
Posted by seemacau at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: DFS Galleria, Luxury Goods, The Shoppes at Four Seasons
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Marc by Marc Jacobs Fall/Winter 2009 Collection
The Marc by Marc Jacobs Fall/Winter 2009 Collection takes a more sophisticated viewpoint on late 1970’s and 80’s street style. Timely updates to classic vintage influences lead to more grown-up sensibilities as our hip Marc by Marc girls get ready for the Fall season.
Divorced from the coquettish main line, the collection proposes a light ocher and brown palette with an accent of jewel tones of purple, red, green and teal which are highlighted with gold details, Marc adopts a clean approach to this season’s pattern design that fits well into the retro preppy style. Plaid of various sizes hit the centre stage, among them the intellectual Argle, simple and straight forward “Multi Abbey Plaid” and “Molten Lava Sketched Plaid”.
Stripe is another motif. Rainbow stripes appear on sweaters, dresses, scarves and tights. For the brand’s most famous printed tee, look for “Forest Friend Tee”, “Patchwork Cat Tee”, “Cloud Nine Tee” and “Houndstooth Miss Marc Tee” in this season.
Loose fit and the brand’s signature mix & match style are keys to this collection. Scarf, leg warmer, tights and hiking sneakers are ingeniously used to dress the carefree student in you. Pointy shoulder is another highlight of the collection. By blending 80s quintessential structured shoulder and feminine puffy sleeves, the designer proposes an exquisite twist to the highly wearable dresses. Colored leggings are also must-have of the season. Wear with clean-cut one-piece or playful A-line skirt to give femininity a vivacious and girlish interpretation.
Creative juice flows sumptuously at Marc Jacobs. Each season, the brand proposes an array of ingenious designs. In the season’s men’s collection, retro preppy reigns.
Effortless, clean pieces dominate the collection. Blazers and trousers are matched with printed shirts and striped muffles, proposing an exquisite, women-envied aesthetic. Wear with the popular “Factory Tee”, “Boy Tee”, “Mr. Marc Tee” and “Fireworks Tee” to bring out the little boy in you.
Posted by seemacau at 1:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: Fashions, The Shoppes at Four Seasons
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Belgium luxury jewellery brand 'Derain' opens new shop at Venetian Macau 比利時鑽飾品牌 Derain 首家澳門專賣店隆重開幕 (比利时钻饰品牌 Derain 首家澳门专卖店隆重开幕)
World renowned Belgium jewellery brand 'Derain' has recently inaugurated their very first boutique in Macau, at the Venetian Grand Canal Shoppes. The new boutique is located amongst the world’s leading watch & jewelry brands. In recent years, Derain has positioned itself exceptionally well in the Chinese market.
While inside the boutique, it is set to showcase some of Derain's glamourous jewellery collections. This new boutique contains the most comprehensive collection and offering full range of Derain's products, with the objective to create a unique and high quality service experience for its customers.
作為比利時歷史最悠久的珠寶公司WOLFERS旗下之時尚鑽飾品牌, 戴儷爾首家澳門專賣店近日隆重開幕。 開幕日還特別邀請當紅模特熊黛林親臨現場為新店剪彩。
專賣店位於國際頂級奢侈品牌匯聚的澳門威尼斯人大運河購物中心, 品牌旨在提供品質卓越比利時極品美鑽及純正的比利時鑽飾文化。 顧客不僅可以享受到最優雅奢華的購物環境, 還可以找到戴儷爾全球同步發行的最新產品, 最經典的頂級鑽飾作品, 亦可找到品牌限量版奢華鑽飾。
由歐洲名師親手設計的戴儷爾澳門店, 力圖完美展現品牌崇尚的尊貴與愛的藝術氣質, 簡潔的外立面選用頂級天然石材, 主形象牆以比利時最著名的國寶 - 鑽石和巧克力為設計元素。 精心調適的燈光, 從錯層蜿蜒的天花中隱約滲透出來。
Posted by seemacau at 11:39 PM 34 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
JC Shop Premium open at Venetian Macau 澳門開設日本潮物旗艦店 「JC Shop Premium」 (澳门开设日本潮物旗舰店 「JC Shop Premium」)
JC Shop Premium recently opens a new flagship store at the prestigous Venetian Macau. The shop is specialized in providing customers with Trendy and Technological products - such as things like Computer and Digital Accessories, and Japanese Electronic Toys.
The flagship store in Macau will occupies with an area of 2000 square feet. JC Shop Premium will guarantee to provide a spacious enviroment together with the shops' newly selected Trendy and Technological Japanese products, and at the same time serving customers with the fastest products and most up-to-date information from Japan.
JC Shop Premium
Address﹕ Shop 2112, Grand Canal Shoppes, The Venetian Macau Hotel and Casino
Tel﹕ 2882 8987
Opening Hours﹕ 11am to 10pm
專售日本數碼潮流產品連鎖店, 最近斥資500萬元在澳門威尼斯人度假村酒店開設走高檔路線旗艦店。 旗艦店從日本引入高科技行得跳得的機械人 - MAN01 PF01, 兩呎高的Hello Kitty Robot, 以及9月與日本同步發行的智能慰藉機械人 Wakamaru等以響頭炮。 部份更屬限量貨品。 新店佔地 2,000平方呎, 分潮流數碼區、人氣Gadget區及日本美容瘦身區。 不少新貨都會在這店率先發售。
Wakamaru由三菱重工研發, 能辨認10個人名及呼叫其名字, 懂得與主人閒聊解悶及可擔任照顧老弱或病患的看護。
JC Shop Premium
地址﹕ 澳門威尼斯人度假村酒店大運河購物中心2112號店
電話﹕ 2882 8987
營業時間﹕ 早上11:00至晚上10:00
Posted by seemacau at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Venetian Hotel and Casino
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Michele - Coral Collection夏日腕錶系列
美國高尚尊貴品牌 Michele 於這夏日, 替其腕錶系列加添獨特而魅力非凡的新成員 - 全新 Coral 腕錶系列。
時尚典雅的 Coral 腕錶系列, 幻化出 Michele 高貴的情懆與浪漫的格調。
全新 Coral 腕錶系列
Hot Pink腕表, Turquoise腕表
- 瑞士機芯
- 用上珍貴的美鑽或各種寶石作點綴, 43 顆共重 0.16 克拉美鑽鑲嵌於粉紅色或藍綠色琺瑯錶圈上
- 精鋼錶殼配襯白色珍珠貝母錶盤
- 日期顯示窗設於 6 時位置
- 藍寶石水晶鏡面
- 富品牌特色的紅色“MW"標誌於錶冠上
- 粉紅色或藍綠色漆皮真皮錶帶
- 50 米水深防水功能
澳門威尼斯人度假村酒店大運河購物中心 2621 號舖
Posted by seemacau at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Venetian Hotel and Casino
Saturday, June 27, 2009
City of Dreams Shopping Collections 新濠天地購物系列 (新濠天地购物系列)
Pic Source : moodie
BALLY Busy B Collection
TUMI Platinum Collection
BALLY Busy B Collection
Bally presents its iconic signature print - 'Busy-B'. The shapes colors and textures of this season’s collection have been updated by Brian Atwood, giving it a fresh modern allure.
The iconic Bally Busy-B pattern has been re-interpreted so that the print is created through texture. Patent leather is heat stamped in stages to create texture graduating from matte to shiny. The group is trimmed in natural hide, and has a new gold bijoux signature ‘B’. These limited edition shopper-totes, and heart shaped wallets have been created in vibrant blue or pink are only available while stocks last.
COACH Kimberly Collection Exclusively at City of Dreams
Coach’s Kimberly Collection features an assortment of fashionable and versatile silhouettes including a Gallery Tote, Duffle, and Cross body, accompanied by an assortment of matching wallets and wristlets - stylish, classic and sophisticated.
The Collection features brass hardware and supple leather in chic, stylish shades of Platinum, Rose and White.
TUMI Platinum Collection
Tumi is pleased to introduce the Platinum Collection – a special Limited Edition series designed exclusively for selected Tumi boutiques.
The Platinum Collection features Tumi’s proprietary FXT ballistic nylon with elegant leather trim. The 4 unique styles in the collection will appeal to the most seasoned business traveler as well as the urban trendsetter.
The Collection includes
- Wheeled 21” Office, an international carry-on for business travelers
- Slim Deluxe Portfolio Brief, an easy-access business case with superior interior organization
- Flap Body Bag, an urban style day bag for business and personal accessories
- East/West Shoulder Tote, a small messenger tote for travel or everyday use
BALLY Busy B 系列
Bally全新推出其標誌性的品牌圖案'Busy B' - 整個系列的造型, 色彩和紋理由 Brian Atwood 重新打造, 注入了全新的現代氣息。
標誌性的Bally Busy B圖案被加以重新詮釋。 漆皮經過分段熱壓形成由錏光到高光的漸進式紋理, 採用天然皮革飾邊, 並配以全新的金色B字母裝飾。 這些限量版的購物手提包, 以及心形錢包選用明亮的藍色或粉色, 數量有限, 售完即止。
COACH Kimberly系列 - 新濠天地獨家專售
來自Coach的Kimberly產品系列, 包括多款時尚而實用的手袋如手提包, 隨身旅行包, 和斜挎包。 同時有多種同系列的皮夾和腕包供搭配。 將成熟高貴與時尚有型兩種氣質完美結合。
Kimberly系列的產品採用銅質金屬配件, 柔軟的皮革材質, 多種時尚的色彩包括白金色, 玫瑰色和白色。
TUMI Platinum鉑金系列
Tumi榮耀巨獻限量版Platinum鉑金系列, 擁有優雅皮質飾料和專利FXT彈性尼龍技術, 完美演繹Tumi經典款式和設計創新理念。
- Wheeled 21” Office帶輪21寸拉杆箱, 適合國際旅行的商務人士
- Slim Deluxe Portfolio Brief簡約豪華公文包, 內部結構卓越, 提供快捷商務儲物需求
- Flap Body Bag信使包適於日常使用, 輕鬆攜帶商務或個人配件
- East/West Shoulder Tote東西方手袋, 旅行或日常必備
Posted by seemacau at 1:33 PM 5 comments
Labels: City of Dreams, The Boulevard
Cartier Love charity collection 卡地亞全球愛之日 (卡地亚全球爱之日)
Cartier celebrate Love Day internationally, with events around the world in all of its boutiques including Macau. The company will donate a portion of their sales from the entire Love collection to local charities in each country.
To celebrate the event, Cartier will introduce a new Love Charity bracelet, available in Cartier stores worldwide. The new bracelet features a miniature Love bracelet in 18-karat rose gold graced with the word "Love", and one diamond set into a knotted silk cord available in various colors, with each cord designating support of a unique cause.
Cartier Boutique in Macau
Store 1 : Shop 12, Ground floor, Av. Amizade, 'Mandarin Oriental Hotel'
Store 2 : Cotai Strip, Shop 1125, The Shoppes at Four Seasons
作為世界頂級珠寶及腕表翹楚的卡地亞為配合全球愛之日, 展開全球性的Love day活動。 卡地亞特別推出全新系列首飾及一連串慶祝活動, 將「愛」的訊息發放全球。 卡地亞將在全球包括澳門推出Love系列珠寶, 同時也會捐出Love系列部分銷售所得給需要幫助的團體。
全新Love玫瑰金系列採用浪漫的玫瑰金色, 並推出鋪鑲鑽石、鑲嵌鑽和鑲嵌繽紛彩色寶石款式。 至於每年一色的慈善手環今年就用上白色絲繩, 配以玫瑰金及LOVE鑽石logo。
Store 1 : Av. Amizade, 'Mandarin Oriental Hotel'
Store 2 : Cotai Strip, Shop 1125, The Shoppes at Four Seasons
Posted by seemacau at 1:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
L’Homme Yves Saint Laurent Father’s Day Set - YSL 男士香氛父親節禮盒裝
This year Father's Day, L'Homme Yves Saint Laurent will offers a luxurious YSL signature pouch with a L’Homme EDT and All-Over Shower Gel - bright and sparkling freshness with a magnetic and sensual trail.
Yves Saint Laurent
Location: New Yaohan
Price: MOP$580
Tel: 2875 2058
Yves Saint Laurent (YSL) 在父親節隆重推出禮品套裝 - L’Homme Yves Saint Laurent Father’s Day Set
L’Homme Yves Saint Laurent Father’s Day Set包括
• L’Homme EDT 男士香氛100ml
• All-Over Shower Gel男士沐浴露100ml
• Masculine Pouch時尚小袋
零售價: MOP$580
L’Homme EDT男士香氛
L’Homme Yves Saint Laurent自信地表現他的個人風格。 他的優雅及精細突顯了他的剛強。 香氛的靈魂在於那磁性氣質。 投射了帶木味的優雅(檀香及維珍尼亞雪鬆), 剛陽的吸引力(海地香根草及香薰草豆)還有琥珀的獨有氣息。
All-Over Shower Gel男士沐浴露
All-Over Shower Gel其D-panthenol配方可讓肌膚得到充分滋潤。 蘊含有Urban Energy Concentrate, 精妙地將常量元素(鈉及鎂)及微量元素(鋅和錳)結合。 在皮膚表面形成一層保護膜, 有助抵擋日常環境生活中所受到的侵害。
Yves Saint Laurent 專櫃
電話: 2875 2058
Posted by seemacau at 5:09 PM 1 comments
Labels: New Yaohan
Monday, June 8, 2009
Saint Louis Paperweights - Saint-Louis 矜貴水晶紙鎮展 (Saint-Louis 矜贵水晶纸镇展)
屬於愛馬仕集團的經典法國高級水晶品牌Saint-Louis, 多年來均有推出水晶紙鎮系列。 系列最近率先在澳門MGM的品牌專店內展出。 展品中不乏中國設計, 其中為今年牛年特別推出的Paquerette小牛紙鎮及Fu Fu福福熊貓限量紙鎮, 只限香港及澳門出售。
以熊貓為題材的Panda Fu Fu
今年是牛年, Saint-Louis品牌工匠特別創作了這個名為Paquerette的作品
Posted by seemacau at 5:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: MGM Mirage Hotel and Casino
Friday, June 5, 2009
VIP Day at New Yaohan - 新八佰伴VIP DAY貴賓日 (新八佰伴VIP DAY贵宾日)
新八佰伴VIP DAY貴賓日, 將於6月10日星期三舉行。 全店貨品包括化妝品、男女服裝、手袋、皮鞋、童裝、玩具、文具、精品、電器及食品等均以最優惠價發售。
地址: 澳門南灣商業大馬路新八佰伴
電話: 2872 5338/8791 8888
營業時間: 10:30am – 10:30pm
Posted by seemacau at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: New Yaohan
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Saint Louis Paperweights - Saint-Louis 矜貴水晶紙鎮展 (Saint-Louis 矜贵水晶纸镇展)
屬於愛馬仕集團的經典法國高級水晶品牌Saint-Louis, 多年來均有推出水晶紙鎮系列。 系列最近率先在澳門MGM的品牌專店內展出。 展品中不乏中國設計, 其中為今年牛年特別推出的Paquerette小牛紙鎮及Fu Fu福福熊貓限量紙鎮, 只限香港及澳門出售。
以熊貓為題材的Panda Fu Fu
今年是牛年, Saint-Louis品牌工匠特別創作了這個名為Paquerette的作品
Posted by seemacau at 5:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: MGM Mirage Hotel and Casino